Senin, 22 September 2008

ALL kode-kode rahasia pada HP Samsung

di sini

*#06# show IMEI number
*#9999# show software version
*#0001# display RS232 serial communication parameter setup
*#8999*228# display battery capacity and temperature / voltage
*523# adjust display contrast
*636# display storage capacity
*778# display SIM card information
*324# The network checkout (engineering model)
*289# ringtone test
*364# Display Watchdog state
*427# WATCHDOG signal route setup
*842# Vibrate test
*782# show date and alarm clock
*246# show the memory capacity
*544# don't know what is this
*638# show network information
*786# The display during warning
*837# Samsung hardware version
*377# Software error LOG (wrong display of EEPROM)
*9266# display received channel number and received intensity
*2767*2878# Delete telephone phonebook directory and mobile setting (don't try this )

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